To help audience know more about the current environmental issues, we offer a variety of seminar topics. Interested parties are suggested to fill up and fax us the application form at least one month in advance of the proposed seminar date.
(Please click the topics you are interested to know the details:(English is Coming Soon!)
1. Green Living | 2. Climate Changes | 3. Challenge as a green (group) worker |
4. Environmental Truth (1): Rural Damages | 5. Our Resources Crisis | 6. Practising Low Carbon Living |
7. Reduce & Recycle | 8. Energy Crisis & Energy Saving | 9. Conservation of Natural Ecology |
10. Wetland Conservation in HK | 11. Trees Conservation in HK | 12. Trees Appreciation |
13. Fun in Bird Watching | 14. Environmental Problems in HK | 15. Sustainable Development |
16. Water - Resources and threats | 17. Others (Upon Mutual Agreement) |
1. 綠色生活
2. 氣候變化
3. 綠色工作(環團)者的挑戰
很多市民都認為環保團體(環團)的工作是透過搞抗議、搞反對、專搞作對等等來搶收視 。何解我們好像常與各種發展對立? 我們真的「阻人發達」嗎?
4. 環境真相系列(一):鄉郊破壞

大浪西灣的工地 非法傾倒的建築廢料
5. 我們的資源危機
- 天然環境改變、天然資源急劇減少,由誰造成?
- 沒有它們的話,有什麼改變會發生?
- 面對這些議題,升斗市民如你與我,真的無能為力嗎?
- 若然不是,又可以進行哪些措施呢?
6. 生活中的低碳實踐
7. 減少廢物、循環再做
8. 能源問題及節約能源
9. 自然生態保育
10. 香港濕地生態保育
· 濕地如何作為大自然與社區經濟的重要資源
· 拉姆薩爾公約
· 本土濕地中有趣的鳥類與動植物
· 香港濕地所受的威脅
11. 香港的樹木保育
12. 樹木多面睇
· 樹木的構造與自身功能
· 樹木的自我保護方法與生命週期
· 樹木與其他物種的關係
· 本地樹木管理常見的問題
13. 觀鳥同樂
· 香港是雀鳥天堂的原因
· 雀鳥的分類與有趣特徵
· 香港常見的雀鳥
· 觀鳥101
14. 香港環境問題
15. 可持續發展
· 目前社會流行的發展模式與引申的社會問題
· 可持續發展的概念、定義與精神
· 本土與外地可持續發展的參考例子
16. Water - Resources and threats
Turning on our home taps, water seems to be in an unlimited and convenient supply. It seems very hard for our public to remember (or imagine?) that fresh water is never an adequate resource for all people! In fact, we waste water in every corner of our society…
Targeting at upper primary to senior secondary students, we will talk about how we waste water in every corner in our society and share what the Conservancy Association came across with as we visit the fountain head. We want to re-emphasize the scarce nature of this resource and the necessity for all of US to treasure it.
Application Procedure:
1.) Schools or organizations applying are requested to fill up the application form and fax to us at 27285537;
2.) Upon receiving the application form, a written reply will be sent out within 2 weeks (whether application succeeded or not);
For all confirmed bookings, both confirmation letter and debit notes will be issued;
3.) Applicants are requested to issue a cross check for payment in 2 weeks upon issuing the confirmation letter.
(Unsuccessful payment before the deadline will be considered as giving up the application. )
*It would take some time to generate the confirmation letter, since we need sufficient time to arrange proper resources.
*Applicants are requested to provide the speaker with a computer (with Windors,Powerpoint and RealPlayer functions)on the seminar date.
Seminar Fee:
For Topics 1 to 8, 16:
Non-profit making Organizations #/ Primary, Secondary Schoosl $1,400 per session (60 min)
Universities / Tertiary Institutions/ Government Department/ Psrivate Corporates/ Commercial Companies/ Other organizations Pricings upon enquries
#Applicable to charitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempted from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Copies of the relevant registration documents must be submitted upon application.
For Topics 9 to 15:
Non-profit making Organizations #/ Primary, Secondary Schools $800 per session (60 min)
Universities / Tertiary Institutions/ Government Department/ Psrivate Corporates/ Commercial Companies/ Other organizations Pricings upon enquries
#Applicable to charitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempted from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Copies of the relevant registration documents must be submitted upon application.
Terms & Conditions:
Cancellation or Postponement
l Once the confirmation has been issued, in case of any cancellation or postponement request by the applicant, a written cancellation request would be a must, which would be followed by our written reply. Under normal conditions, only one re-arrangement would be granted. The Conservancy Association reserves the right to charge for partial or completed penalty as the administrative cost.
l The Conservancy Association reserves the rights for all final decisions regarding any application.
For enquiries, please contact our Education Team at 2728 6781.
Latest updates : 1st August, 2015