


Notice of Change of Mailing Address

With the Jockey Club - The Conservancy Association Urban Forestry Green Hub officially in operation, the mailing address of The Conservancy Association will be changed to Jockey Club - The Conservancy Association Urban Forestry Green Hub, 26 Yen Chow Street West, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, starting from 8th June. Other contact information will remain unchanged as follows: • Telephone: (852) 2728 6781 • Fax: (852) 2728 5538 • Email: • Website: From the afternoon of 7th June to 9th June, The Conservancy Association will only be able to provide limited services. Thank you for your understanding.


CNY festive food recovery 2023

Festive Recovery Program CNY festive food recovery 2023 Year of the Rabbit 2023 is coming! We encourage the sharing of surplus festive food as well as the sharing of New Year blessings. CNY Food Donation requirements: 1. Accepted items: New Year puddings, snacks, biscuits, noodles gift box, vegetable and fruit hampers and food gift vouchers 2. Unopened and in good condition 3. Yet to expire or pass its “Best before” or “Used by” date 4. Surplus fresh food is also accepted Donation Period: 16th Jan - 18th Feb 2023 MON TO FRI 14:00 – 21:00 (except public holidays) Drop-off Location: Food...


Seashore Cleanup Activity

未命名設計 (15)


#成人組 #親子組 #公開招募 水田即將解鎖成為競技場! 在「泥足深陷」、「不能自拔」的境地下,考驗各運動員的「農夫潛能」! 今年【水田運動會】應召回歸,一系列精心設計的運動項目重點考驗運動員: 「耕田肌」的肌力、耐力、爆發力 適應在泥濘中行走、奔跑、彈跳的能力 與隊友合作的策略和默契 #咁即係玩啲咩#類似泥漿摔角囉 日期|10月8日(六) 時間|9:30-13:00 報名組別* 成人組|18-55歲 親子組|1位成人 及 6-12歲小童 *比賽形式為隊制賽,須以兩...



Availabe in Chinese Only!


Rice Exhibition

Chinese Only